As a member of the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI) and the Association of the German Paint and Printing Ink Industry (VdL), we actively promote the concept of “Responsible Care”. It is the task of the LANKWITZER group to avoid and continuously reduce environmental pollution in our daily activities and in the value-added chain in the manufacture of our products and to avoid waste or recycle it in an environmentally friendly manner. In concrete terms this means for us: LANKWITZER replaces critical environmental and health endangering materials.

As part of our responsibility for the environment, we have introduced an environmental management system which continuously improves the careful use of natural resources and energy. Through regular reviews we ensure that our environmental policy is appropriate and up-to-date.
In addition, we also advise our customers on questions of handling, use, recycling and disposal. Our experts are always ready to advise on the planning of paint shops. We also support you in the economic efficiency aspects and in the increasingly complex conditions for environmental protection. We are also your contact for the solvent balance to be drawn up in accordance with VOC regulations.